Wednesday, January 11, 2006

just checking in

I don't have my thoughts together enough to write a whole bunch right now. But I did want to stop by and say "HI" while I was online. I haven't been in a while. My phone still isn't fixed. The phone man is supposed to come out today to fix it.

This week has been going good so far. I have read the first book of the In The Garden trilogy by Nora Roberts titled "Blue Dahlia". The book was so good I read it in three days. I read the final 15 chapters out of 21 yesterday on my day off of work. I just couldn't put the book down. Today I will start the second book "Black Rose" The third book is titled "Red Lily" I have just started liking this type of book. I don't know who the author was but I read the Prairie Rose series which I liked. Then I found a book at work on my lunch break by Nora Roberts called Considering Kate. I liked her writing. So when I got a Barnes and Noble gift certificate I used it to buy the trilogy. There is suspense, romance and even a ghost in these books.

As for everything else in my life they are going the way I want them right now. Work had been busy, it is pneumonia season. My medication has me feeling good but I am eating way too much. I am always hungry. This can be my downfall if I don't watch myself. The boys have been behaving, which is always good. My bills are getting paid and I have already saved a little money.

Well I better be getting off of here. The phone man is to be here between 1-5. I need to get some shopping done before then. My friend had surgery yesterday and my God daughter will be having a birthday soon so I have to pick up some cards while I am out. I also have to pick up some "make up" stamps. And some new ones.


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