Friday, January 06, 2006

I finally got online

After a few days of fighting with AOL I have finally gotten back online. Luckily the problem was not with my computer. AOL said it wasn't their fault either. Can you believe they were actually right. I even called my phone company, I still haven't heard back from them. I found the problem myself. One of my phone cords is messed up and has the whole house messed up with dialing out. So I unplugged that line and here I am, ONLINE!!!! I just have to go to the store today and buy a new cord.

Anyway, it has been almost a week since I have been able to post anything. For the most part this week is going well. Steven has been acting so grown up lately, it is quite amazing. But a part of me keeps doubting him. After the things he has gotten into he has to rebuild that trust from me again I suppose.

My husband does not have my daily journal looking like someone has bleed all over it. That has to be a good thing. I have started standing up for myself which I stated once before. I no longer brush things off or shake my head at them. I have been speaking my mind. If I don't like something that is being said I say it and it has been working. I have found that my husband has not grown up yet. And now that I know this I have to treat him differently, like a little boy. Most women would say they have two children at home and be joking about it. When I say it I am telling the truth. Kinda like smacking their little hands when they touch something they are not supposed to, or giving them the evil Mom eye when they do or say something they shouldn't. When he says something offensive to me I politely say that isn't nice, and he stops. It is almost like I am back in high school with teenage dating problems, immature boys. Why did God make women so much smarter and stronger but put the men on top? If the world was run by women we wouldn't have the problems we have today. Maybe other ones during that time of the month or during menapause but not the problems we have now. But that is another subject so I will let it rest for now. And before I get shot by any of my male friends I will give credit to the few men in the world that did grow up

I don't think I mentioned my friend/neighbor Tami before. She lives down the street from me. Her daughter and my son have known each other since they were 4 years old in pre-school together. She also has a son who is 5 now. Well she lives with her boyfriend (the children's father) in my mother's house. The mother physically and mentally abuses the kids, mostly the little girl. The father mentally abuses the kids and mentally/physically/sexually abuses my friend. Recently the mother had also started physically abusing my friend, which she had already been mentally abusing her. After years of doing nothing but complaining about it she finally had enough and left. We let her and her kids stay with us for two nights until she had all her stuff in order with the courts and DHHR. During the second night and day we had nothing but problems with the whole family coming over and harrassing us. Banging down the door, yelling, cursing, upsetting the kids. During the last day they were here I had to call the cops on this man's sister because she wouldn't leave. She was getting all set up with foodstamps, medical insurance for her and the kids, child support order. She was being given hotel vouchers which she could get for up to 30 days until she could find a job and a place to live. The kids behavior was starting to improve and everything. I forgot to say that all this started on the 20th of Dec. So the kids were not in their home for Christmas. I bought them some things and made sure that they had a little something for Christmas. The church also gave her some toys. The community ministries gave her enough food to last until her food stamps started coming in. Ok back to my story. They were coming along great. It had been a rough start but they were making it. The other day I saw her van driving away from the house. I didn't know if someone else was driving it or if the courts had ordered that she get it back. So we waited to see who was driving it. It was her. All proud of herself she got out of the van and told us how she was back home. After only 10 days she went back. She says the court has ordered that he go to anger management classes. And that he and his mother are being so nice to her. Well the anger management classes will only last so long. The mother is not ordered to go to these classes. And this doesn't help with the alcohol and drugs that are in the house. Or the filthy living conditions. She also said she is ordered to receive child support. Like she is going to get that while she is living there. He had already told her she wasn't going to get anything from him. These people are psycho, and I think she is stupid to even trust them to go back in that house. Or to leave the kids alone with them, which she apparently did because they were not with her when we talked with her. I guess all I can do now is pray for her and the kids. I tried to help and I won't do it again.

Well I am going to get off of here. I have to go meet my mom for lunch today.


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