Saturday, December 31, 2005

where do I begin

So much has happened since I last posted. I am not even sure where to start. My husband finally got home Monday afternoon. My little boy was so happy to see me. He clung really tight to me and has since. He told me that he really missed me and wished he had stayed home with me. I reminded him that I missed him too but he had a good time and got to see and play with his cousins and family. The next day he told me he loves me more than anything. Even more than his dad. That is pretty bad, I am not flesh and blood related. Not much happened on Tuesday. On Wednesday we were all off together. We went to the doctors for prescription refills. While there my blood pressure was borderline high. So now I am on a blood pressure check. So far so good. While there I picked up a kit about ADHD for my son. In the kit it has pamphlets for all the stages: childhood, early teen, late teen and adult. It talks about the problems people face through each stage of life. My husband fits right into the adult stage. He still won't believe he has it. He thinks he has outgrown it since being diagnosed as a child. Our doctor knows this too and has tried to talk to him, but he refuses to take medication. After the doctors we went shopping so I could spend my Christmas gift cards. I bought some nice things including some bras and underwear. This lead to an education session with my 8 yr old. He asked questions about girls wearing underwear on their tops. (bras). And he asked why my underwear don't have holes in the fronts like his does. So he learned a new word, urethra. So now he knows that the penis is a pee "hose" because of the long urethra. It probably won't be long before he learns what else his penis can do. I just can't wait. Also on Wednesday I started my daily diary. I have logged in everything that has happened every day. I have color coded it too. The regular writing is black, the good stuff my husband does is purple and the bad stuff he does is in red. I always complain about the things he does or doesn't do and this will be a way for me to put it in perspective if I can look back and see how often it happens. I have already started using my new self. I have been standing up for myself. I have been taking my medications like I am supposed to. I have been feeling really good about myself. I also have some help from friends, family and co-workers.


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