Saturday, December 10, 2005

I almost forgot

I talked my husband into taking me up on my offer about Christmas. He will go see his parents and then be home for me when I get home from work on Christmas day. Does that mean I won this game he created? This posting is messing up again so bear with my run on paragraph. I called my father-in-law and told him about what I found. He was surprised but also basically said I am married to him now so he is my problem to deal with. He was not much help. He also added that a lot of our problems could be that my husband doesn't like a messy house. My fault, right!! His ass doesn't help with the house work either. I may have dust but everything is where is belongs. Since I am the adult in this relationship I have come up with a solution. I have. I am going to call a family meeting. During this meeting I am going to tell my husband and 8 year old son that we need to come up with some house rules about chores. I have made up a list of chores and everyone will have designated things to do. This way nobody can put blame where it isn't due. When we first got together I worked evening shift. He would cook on the days that I worked, I cooked on the days I was off. This worked out good. But when I went to day shift somehow all the house work became my responsibility. Well, it bothers me alright. And since it is now obviously bothering him too then I am going to fix it so that things are fair. My list includes: dusting, vaccumming, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, dishes, dinner, trash, dogs, and yard work. If there are any other chores that you can think of let me know so I can add them to my list. I can play the game too. And that is all this is. It is now even more than before that I am realizing that I have to put my own happiness first, that is all there is to it. I have to decide how I want things and make them that way.


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