Monday, December 26, 2005

one week left

A week from today will be New Years. I am going to try to be a different person in 2006. I have decided what I really want out of life and I am going to reach for it. I have worked very hard for what I have and to get where I am today. I shouldn't have to settle for less than the best. I am going to do the best that I can to make this a good year. Today was Christmas day and my husband and son did not come home. Apparently for the whole 24 hours the traffic was too bad for them to get here. Yeah, ok. I managed to drive 1.5 hours away to my father's house after work in the pouring down rain and the traffic was moving smoothly. I then drove home in a thick fog, again with the traffic moving smoothly. I was not as upset about this like I thought I would be. I think maybe it is because I have made up my mind and am at peace with my decision. I have been working so hard to make things work out in my marriage. But it takes two people working together. I had a long talk with my father tonight and he finally told me how he feels about my situation. He also told me that he would never interfer but wanted me to know that he is there for anything that I may need. I am celebrating with Mike tonight and my typing is starting to get funny so I will finish this new resolution blog later.


Blogger Dawn said...

I am going to guess that you already know my feeling about you marriage. I think that you should get out. There is no reason to be going through the things that you are. It take work to make a marriage run well...but there is a time to say that there is to much work needed.

I am not saying that you should move back home but maybe he should!

Sorry, I would not be a friend if I did not lay that out on the table for you.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Dawn said...

p.s.~ I changed my blog address you can find me at Please update your blogroll if I am on it.

7:13 PM  

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