Saturday, January 21, 2006

I didn't run away

It's me again. I have been having so much trouble with getting online. The phone man came and "fixed" the problem. Yeah. It is only in the one phone line. The phone line in my bedroom where I use the laptop is connected to the phone line downstairs where the desktop is. So I have to sit in the middle of the sitting room on a different phone line to even be able to get on here without battling getting kicked off or things running too slow.

Not too much has been going on around here so there hasn't been much to complain about lately anyway. I have been slacking on writing my daily dairy. But when I have and if I had it was, would be, mainly neutral. My husband hasn't pissed me off in a while now. And the little one has been behaving, for the most part. Normal kid stuff if you know what I mean. I have just been working hard. Today I was lucky enough to be put on call. The chance is slim that they should have to call me in. That saves me money on a babysitter. Though I know the boy really looks forward to having a little spending money. But it is winter and I expect there to be more snow days. So he will make up for it plus some when that happens. My son was a little upset with me this morning cause he looks forward to going over and playing video games and such with this kid. He got over it quick enough though.

I don't know where I got my energy today. I got my call at 5am. I usually don't wake until 6am. My son's alarm went off at 6am and my husband was already out of bed. After that I didn't feel tired to go back to bed. I cooked scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. And forced him to eat it instead of his usual poptart. It isn't like he doesn't like it, we don't do it very often. Then I went straight to cleaning the dishes, starting the laundry, cleaning the kitchen floor and dusting the house. I have accomplished all of that and have been online for a little bit and it is only 1030am. I have certainly been on a roll. Still have energy. All I have to do it put the clothes away when they finish drying. I have candles out today also. Each room has it's own scent. The sitting room is lemon chiffon, the kitchen is pumpkin pie and the bedroom is honeydew melon. I hope I can hold onto this energy for a while. I start aerobics on Wednesday. I can't wait. I hope that helps motivate me too. I can only hope and hope. I need to just do it for me.

It only took me about a week but I have finished reading my books. The In the Garden Trilogy by Nora Roberts. Blue Dahlia, Black Rose and Red Lily. They were great. I couldn't seem to put them down. I read each one with less time. The last one taking less then 24 hours. I highly recommend them.


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