Saturday, December 03, 2005

Look at what I found

Now is the time to really start taking life on. You are surrounded by both opportunity and positive energy now. But to benefit from this incredible potential, you must take responsibility for your life and consciously use your good fortune to bring about the real change you desire.
As Winston Churchill said:
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
To really experience life, you must participate in it. That is why you must take responsibility for yourself, your goals, your progress, and -- most importantly -- your dreams.
Only you have the power to fulfill your dreams. You just have to decide what you really want, then develop a plan to get it. I've seen amazing things happen to people who acted upon their dreams, instead of waiting around for them to come true.
The only hard part is perhaps taking the first step. And that's only hard because you probably haven't ever done anything like it before. Remember, once you take the first step, your dreams will start looking for ways to fulfill themselves.
My friend, see how far you can go. Develop an attitude that says, "I have nothing to lose and everything to gain," because you do. Don't be in a rush to tell yourself "no" before someone else does. Don't put up barriers or obstacles where none exist. Believe me, most people stop themselves from realizing their dreams way before anyone else does.
And don't be concerned about doing everything right, because as all successful people know, "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly."
What this means is, it's better to do something, anything, than to do nothing. You can always make things better -- as any artist, businessman, athlete, singer, or cook knows. Almost nothing comes out perfect the first time, but with practice almost everything gets better and clearer. So, don't worry. No matter what you do, if you keep doing it, it will get easier and easier, and you will get closer and closer to fulfilling your dreams.

This was part of my weekly forecast from a psychic. I received it last week, it is for Nov 28th - Dec 4th. I am just now reading it. And if you have read my recently postings this really fits into my current situation. Check out what else it said. This is even more related.

Remember how startling last week was? Especially how amazing last Monday was? Well, be prepared to have a sense of déjà vu come upon you, as soon as this Monday evening. The Sun and Uranus will get together to present you with what may actually be the very last thing on earth you'd ever have expected. Whether it's an event, a revelation, or the ability to see a side of someone you'd never, ever have expected, not to worry. You'll handle it just fine. In fact, you'll probably enjoy the sense of adventure.
And speaking of that sense of adventure, Thursday's New Moon in Sagittarius will provide you with plenty of that, so make some plans for the weekend. The good news is that with Mercury set to turn direct on Saturday, your plans may actually go off as planned. If they don't, you'll at least have a nice, solid Sun-Saturn trine on duty to ensure that the end result will be better than it would have been without the last-minute change. Be patient, and rest assured—Sunday will be exciting, fun-filled, and pretty darned chatty. Better stock up on coffee.

I think that is pretty wild. And one last piece.

Working hard on personal relationships is important if you're going to forge a life filled with love and happiness. You may want to change your approach to a person who is somewhat set in their ways.

I have come up to a solution to our recent problems. A COMPROMISE!!
I will tell you more about that when it happens. Wish me luck.

Before I end i just want to say I am proud of myself this week. Even with all of this stress I still managed to lose another 1 1/2 pounds this week. YEA ME!!!!!!!!!!!:o)


Blogger Dawn said...

good job....with the weightloss..

keep me update on the "jerk" situation.

7:46 PM  

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