Thursday, December 01, 2005

I spoke too soon

I was saying in my last posting that my husband apologized but I was wrong. I over heard him last night on the phone with his brother saying that he is going to his parent's house for Christmas. I told him that if his family knew what he is doing and agreed with it then they are all FUCKED UP!!! I then tried to call him father on the phone and he wouldn't let me. I finally got to talk with him and he doesn't agree with it. But he can see how his son is probably feeling home sick and would like to be with him family during Christmas. Well, that is all I have to say tonight. I will post more when developments happen.


Blogger Dawn said...

OMG! Girl, you need to lose that asshole before things get any worse. It does not seem like it is going to get better any time soon. Do you have any time off of work? Maybe you should take a vacation away from him to get your thoughts together.

7:46 PM  

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