Tuesday, November 29, 2005

what a day

The past few days have been much better since the talk with my husband. I also spent the day with my father yesterday and got some of his incites on marriage. To let you know my father does not care for my husband very much but has supported me every step of the way.

Today was ugly rainy. We both had the day off of work together and went Christmas shopping. There is a new Walmart in the next city it is supposed to be the biggest Walmart on the East Coast. It was really big too. The store looked like a strip mall but it was only one store. There were all kinds of secondary shops inside. There was a lot more selections and varities available than my local Walmart. I think the 30 minute trip was worth it.

Today we bought clothes for our son and some of his Pokemon trading cards that he likes. I am happy to say we only have one more thing to buy him and the shopping for him will be finished. I was online last night buying some items for others in the family and tonight we were online purchasing a digital camera and printer docker for ourselves for Christmas. We also got a portable DVD during Black Friday specials. We always buy those kinds of things for our Christmas gifts. Last year was new appliances and the year before was a camcorder.

All in all the day was good despite the rain. It is still raining and my satelite keeps going out so I am a little mad this evening though. Tonight is the finale for my favorite TV show. I have been waiting 3 monthes to watch it. I love the show Biggest Loser.


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