Monday, November 28, 2005

Listen to this Sh**

The type of career I have is 24/7. Holidays don't apply to me. When you have a family this can make it kind of tough. I also have to work every other weekend. It has been my luck that for the past two years and again this year (because of a leap year in between) Christmas falls on my weekend to work.

The other day when I can home from work my husband informed me that he has Fri-Mon off and he is taking off with our son to a city 4 hours away to spend Christmas with his parents. When I said "and go without me" the reply "yeah. why not? you have to work anyway." Excuse me!!

To top it off he didn't even understand why I was upset. According to him I was upset "about (him) going to his parent's house" and I get upset whenever he wants to go. DAH, HELLO. I was not upset because he wanted to go to his parent's house without me. Anyone reading this could probably figure out the answer to that without me telling you. But I will anyway. I was upset because it will be Christmas and my family would be deserting me. Yeah I have to work but I get home early. But the worst was yet to come.

When I came back into the room after the semi-argument. He precedes to tell me that he is going to see a divorce lawyer. All that because he was being the idiot. I should have been the one consulting the divorce lawyer and was tempted to tell him not to bother coming home if he did go. But I didn't speak in anger because you can't take that stuff back once you come to your senses.

Lucky for him, he apologized a day later. And I will tell you an apology from him isn't flowers and candy or even an "I'm sorry." It was an explaination of (in my words) why he had been an ass. He says that he is still getting used to being married and having to think about someone else's feelings. A little background here. We have been married for 3 years now. And prior to this he was single parently raising his son. One would think that raising a child alone would teach you how to put someone else first.

I have learned these 5 years of our relationship that my husband is a slow learner. And I don't give him too many inches when he makes a mistake. I can only hope that he is moldable. My father in law once said it takes the first 5 years of marriage to settle in and that all marriages have their ups and downs. My father disagrees. He says it can take as long as 7-8 years and yes marriages have ups and downs.

God give me the strength to make it that long and not go insane in the meantime. Because there is so many other things about this marriage and man to be thankful for.


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