Sunday, April 02, 2006

My son's mother #1

I am not sure where to start. I guess I can start with an overview and then get to the most recent events. To start I met my husband when his son was 3 years old. He was such a quiet, withdrawn little boy with no discipline. I was told that his mother had been out of the picture for at least 6 months. She didn't even call unless it was to get money out of my husband. She was then dating a boy about 5 years younger than her. I have since found out that she had been coming around to see him. The pictures she took have them both wearing things that I bought them. Anyway. I also remember talking to my husband on the phone late at night (I worked eve shift and we talked late) and his son waking up screaming in the night crying out for his mommy. My heart just broke. The bitch did this to him and didn't even care. She didn't even try to see him or take care of him.

My husband moved into his parents house prior to us moving in together to save money for the move. She actually showed up one day at the door asking his parents where he was. She had been to his house looking for him (duh he had already told her he was moving). Another day she came over with a bag packed (after a fight with her boyfriend) begging him to take her back and be a family again (after she realized that yes he was moving).

We finally moved in together. Every once in a blue moon she would send an email or IM him while he was online. She had found yet another "boy" friend. After 6 months of living here my husband took his son back down to his parents house for a visit. My husband's sister who at the time was still friends with this bitch (go figure, that is part of why I don't like my sister-in-law) told her that they were coming. While they were going down there she sent us an email talking all sweet and I love you, can't wait to see you, make sure you bring me that money ok. I was Pissed. She did come over while they were there. The little one, then 4, didn't really respond to her. She was so mad that he kept saying he wanted to get back home to me. After they got back she kept IMing him and when he shot her down she would keep saying things about him trying to hurt her because she wouldn't sleep with him when he asked her to during the visit. She tried a couple other tactics to try to come between us also that I can't recall off hand. But all of these things she was saying without needing to question it I knew were wrong, I had proof of it.

Then she found a new boyfriend, more her age, and moved a little closer to us (still 3.5 hours away though). He was just as much of a nut as she is. The two of them together would IM my husband and threaten him with all sorts of crazy stuff, threatening with lawyers and custody battles ect... "We will take him away from you and you will never see him again" stuff like that. All of that was just talk. We even printed out the threats and proof that this man was using his power as a jail security guard to access my husband records and sent them to his superior officer. I think he lost his job or something after that. He turned abusive just like the rest of them and she left him. Lived with a few friends for a very short time and then met another boyfriend. Who we found out later wasn't much of a boy but more like a 60+ yr old man.

Since being with or should I say leeching off of this man she has actually used her visitation rights. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention she is even closer to us, 2.5 hours away. I figured maybe she would sleep her way city by city until she lived next store. He is a stupid old man who gives her as much as she is willing to take. All she wants to do is buy things for my son, like that is supposed to make a difference with him. The first time she visited was last February when he was 7. Can you believe she brought pictures. Not picture album pictures, picture frame pictures. Two 5x7's and one 8x10, and placed them around his room. In my house, I wasn't so happy about that. Since then I have definitely taken down the 8x10. One 5x7 is also down and the other one is covered up with a picture of my husband and I which my son placed up there.

This past fall she went out and married some other guy. Though she has still been leeching off of the old guy and is now living back with him after living in a motel with her husband for a few months. During the October visit she was sickly looking and really fidgety, maybe on something. During the January visit she was even sicker looking. We are supposed to see her this month for my son's birthday party. I just can't wait.

More about her. Since she has been living with this man she really hasn't worked. First it was because he didn't want her too, he wanted to support her and just wanted her to sit around the house all day and spend his money. Then it was that she could't work because she has endometriosis and bleeds really bad and has severe cramps every month. She even filed for a modification in child support because she didn't feel she needed to pay 149 a month if she isn't working, although he was giving her 500 a month in a checking account to use. When my husband addressed this with her she denied it at first and then threatened with yet another custody issue. But once he threatened her back with everything she owes she shut up. Now this week she is saying she has a doctor's note saying she can't work because she has low blood sugar and gets dizzy. And she also has bipolar disorder and has to take her nut medication, it's about time, but that doesn't mean she is taking it. She is so full of shit. It is always something different with her.

I think that about covers it for now. I will blog more as it arises. I think I will also write an episode of what my son has been like because of his mother. I don't think that will take as long.


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