Sunday, March 19, 2006


I have not been online for a while, but I am here today. Wow, it has been over a month too hasn't it. Sorry. Well lets see if I can remember everything that has happened since the last time. I celebrated my 28th birthday this month. I also got an outstanding annual review at work. So I got my annual increase. Then a week later I received a letter stating that I am getting another increase in April to bring me into the average for the state. I'll take it. It isn't that much but it is better then it was. Work has been really busy. A lot of people are sick lately. We have been staying ful. As soon as a patient leaves another one comes in before the bed gets cold. Damn, I can't think of anything else to post. I guess that is another reason why I haven't been around. I haven't had much happening to brag or complain about. Well I guess I will see how long it takes before I have anything else to post. Later.


Blogger Dawn said...

I was hoping to pass your birthday and mine so I would forget about how are we are getting...thanks so much for the reminder//hope you day was good. I thought about you but I have been so busy with work, my new car, Anna, Greg and all the kids.....e-mail me so we can catch up...I finally got my new phone so I can e-mail you while I am at work ;)

11:02 PM  

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