Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Start

I have had a lot of experiences this past year and learned from them all. The main one that has shaped me is a disagreement with a really good friend. After being stressed to the max for almost a year over the situation, I finally got the answer to my prayers. I got let down. I was upset and I don't think I will ever look at the person the same way again. But I learned. What I learned is that I have to do for me. I have to do what makes me happy. I cannot stress myself out trying to make everyone else happy. If I am happy everyone else around me should be happy as a result anyway. So far it is working. As an extra for myself I have signed up with a personal trainer. Her name is Kellie. I am having fun and feeling great at the same time. Even though sometimes it feels like she is trying to kill me LOL. My whole life has been changing for the better. I haven't been this happy in a long time.


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